Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Stories to Scare You

This week started off with Halloween, so in class we watched some short scary video clips. Some we watched with and without sound, then we brainstormed the features of scary stories and what made the stories scary. Some of our class made their own scary story videos and others did peer assessments. 

What do you think makes a good scary story?

Ben and Macane's Story

Thunder's Story

Our Peer Assessment


  1. Great examples of digital storytelling that illustrate the power of music/ sound to bring text to life as well as evoking emotion from an audience. Nice job, Room 13 - scary stuff :)

  2. Hi Ben, Macane and Thunder
    I enjoyed watching your stories thanks for sharing them. I particularly liked the language you used throughout your stories and the music. Did you create the music yourself? Did you consider taking scary images of yourself? Keep up the great work. Stephanie

  3. Aloha from Hawaii! We loved your scary youtube videos! We enjoyed many aspects of your videos. We loved the lettering, pictures, sounds, background, effects, juicy words (which helped us imagine it) and the suspense in your videos. We will recommend these videos to our family.

  4. There were alot of great videos but I especially liked Thunders one.

  5. It was fun creating the stories! And playing them in front of everyone! The critic from everyone really helped me change mine.

  6. Those were really good scary youtube videos!!
    Good work guys.

  7. All these movies were really scarey. l really liked how everyone worked as a team. Some of the movies were really funny. Anyways, keep up the good work!!

  8. I loved making a scary movie, it was great.

  9. Thanks for all the nice comments, It was easy to create the slides on Movie Maker but we did not make our own music. I have never thought that you could take a picture of yourself and use it as a scary picture. The music was downloaded from a virus free website, but next time we will try and make the music. Thank you for recommending it to your families I hope it scares them :)

  10. I enjoyed all the scary videos in class, they were all really good. I think Thunders was the best out of the two, the sound effects really go with the words I think that was quite clever :)

  11. All the scary movies were really great it even scared our teacher but it was really awsome how they used different things

  12. Wow!
    Im really amazed at the quality of these stories. I wish I was there in class when you watched them.

  13. I quite enjoyed both movie's,it did give me a fright but also make me laugh alot when it popped up! XD

  14. @minta-learning your welcome. No we did not create the music ourselves. we also didn't consider taking scary photos of our self.

  15. Your guys movies are really cool. The music adds heaps of suspense and spookiness. The lettering made it more scary and overall they were great stories.

  16. I was an awesome time creating our scary stories. We had lots of fun watching them to.
    Zainab :)

  17. I like how you work to gether and keep up the good work.

  18. I tried to post on Benjamin blog but it didn't work so I will leave this comment for Benjamin Thank you...

    I will never go trick-o treat because that story freaked me out I almost jumped out of my skin anyways you get the picture. That was an impressive movie use put together use put in a lot of effort in that movie well done keep it up! ;)

  19. I like your scary stories.
