Friday, February 11, 2011

Soap Box Derby Dash

The annual Auckland Primary Schools Soap Box Derby 2011 will be held near the end of March. Bailey Road School will be entering for the 3rd time, however the competition is fierce and we have not won yet, but we want to! Our past teams were dedicated and worked well to support each other.

Today our new team tried the cart out in the driveway. Everyone was excited and helped in different ways.  We had organisers, emergency cart stoppers, cart pushers and carriers, as well as a photographer; I believe we have a winning team. Pt England School are one of the competing teams, you can see their 2009 photos and stories here.

We will be supported by the Bailey Road Cheerleaders who have always been the loudest and most enthusiastic there. They keep the team spirit up and get the crowd to cheer for us.

Have you ever tried soap box derby racing? 
Why do you think the drivers need so many team members?

Photographs by Benioni


  1. That soap box derby sounds like a very cool project. I guess it could be dangerous. Is that why you have emergency cart stoppers? I guess you have a first aid kit handy too. Ms Donnell

  2. Wow Mr Wood, thats an amazing post you have written there! I have raced in the cart every year we did it in Bailey Road and I can truthfully tell you that the more people we have helping out, the better.

  3. I have never tried Soapbox Derby, but it sound like amazing fun. I wonder why Point England is a winning team? Maybe they have better drivers and we can learn from them.

  4. The soap box derby is cool mr your post was very good!but no i havent been on a soap box before but i know that our school is going to win if we do the job all together as a team. john

  5. That was an excellent blog Mr. Wood, you have really told What you done. I haven't been in Soapbox Derby before so this is my first year, I think the drivers need a lot of team members to help them with the pit-crew and also the more the better.

  6. The Soap Box Derby is a really cool thing to just go out and race other kids from other schools, but the main thing is getting out there and having fun.

  7. No I have never been to Soap Box Derby because I'm scared I might hurt my self.

  8. last year I raced in the cart and it was really fun watching other drivers.I actually thought that it is better to have more members so you can have alot of people supporting you and it will be much better because they can help you get ready and organised.

  9. Yes l have been to one but l haven't raced in one or been a helper.I only went as a cheerleader,it was really fun cheering on my team-mates.

  10. I have done Soap Box Derby before and it was fun. Also I want to do it this year because it will be fun and even though I am in the pit-crew it is still cool helping.

    Shweta = )

  11. Maybe we would this time if we get the worlds best derby player to teach us some tips

  12. Nice post Mr Wood I've never been in derby but i'll like to try it it super fun. PJ

  13. Hi Mr Wood I would like to be a best derby player.

  14. I have been in the Soap Box Derby before, I was in it last year in the pit crew. I think it is great to have lots of members in the team because it gives the drivers lots of support and makes it easier for the drivers as well.

  15. Wow
    I love soap Box Derby I went last year to build it but there were to meany kids so I left and played on the play ground
